

Pesky Potatoes

Potatoes are a great crop to have in a field unless they pop up in years when they aren’t supposed to be there, begging...

Unlocking Soil Secrets in Your Fields

SWAT MAPS are a digital map which charts soil, water and topography in fields in order to help growers better understand their fields. Experts Editor’s note:...

Roundtable — Navigating Storage from Harvest to Shed

Storing your potatoes until shipping time can be just as important as the growing season is, which is why you need to keep spuds...

Roundtable — Making Potato Storage Easier with Sugar Sampling

Sugar content tests allow growers to monitor sugar levels in field and in storage to keep potato crops in the best possible condition for...

Roundtable — The Latest Practices for Use of Liquid and Dry Fertilizers

Our experts Bryan Maynard, co-owner, Farmboys farm in Richmond, P.E.I. Alan Blaylock, senior agronomist with Nutrien From Yara: Shawn McIver, Maritimes regional sales manager ...

The Ins and Outs of Potato Yield Monitoring

As profit margins shrink, it’s never been more important for growers to have a good handle on what’s happening in their fields. Data generated...

Pesky Potatoes

Potatoes are a great crop to have in a field unless they pop up in years when they aren’t supposed to be there, begging...

Unlocking Soil Secrets in Your Fields

SWAT MAPS are a digital map which charts soil, water and topography in fields in order to help growers better understand their fields. Experts Editor’s note:...

Roundtable — Navigating Storage from Harvest to Shed

Storing your potatoes until shipping time can be just as important as the growing season is, which is why you need to keep spuds...

Roundtable — Making Potato Storage Easier with Sugar Sampling

Sugar content tests allow growers to monitor sugar levels in field and in storage to keep potato crops in the best possible condition for...

Roundtable — The Latest Practices for Use of Liquid and Dry Fertilizers

Our experts Bryan Maynard, co-owner, Farmboys farm in Richmond, P.E.I. Alan Blaylock, senior agronomist with Nutrien From Yara: Shawn McIver, Maritimes regional sales manager ...

The Ins and Outs of Potato Yield Monitoring

As profit margins shrink, it’s never been more important for growers to have a good handle on what’s happening in their fields. Data generated...