

Cimegra Label Expanded for Foliar Use on Potatoes

Cimegra, the insecticide for Colorado potato beetle (CPB) control, has had its label expanded to include foliar use on potatoes, a Nov. 7 news...

Canadian Potato Pest, Disease Outlook for the 2023 Growing Season

What’s hot, what’s not for 2023 when it comes to potato pests and diseases from coast to coast for the 2023 growing season. Potato farmers...

Reducing the Wireworm Threat

As a national wireworm research project wraps, growers have more ways to control the pest. When Christine Noronha first started researching wireworms more than a...

Colorado Potato Beetles Break Down, Regrow Muscle to Survive Winter

New research from Western University has discovered hibernating Colorado potato beetles (CPBs) break down muscles to survive winters and then regrow them on demand...

Ontario’s Potato Field Guide Available to View Online

The Potato Field Guide of insects, diseases and defects, which was edited by the Ontario Potato Board's Eugenia Banks, is now available for viewing...

No Margin of Error to Control the Colorado Potato Beetle

Neonicotinoids have been used in Ontario for 26 years to control the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) but relying on one mode of action...

Cimegra Label Expanded for Foliar Use on Potatoes

Cimegra, the insecticide for Colorado potato beetle (CPB) control, has had its label expanded to include foliar use on potatoes, a Nov. 7 news...

Canadian Potato Pest, Disease Outlook for the 2023 Growing Season

What’s hot, what’s not for 2023 when it comes to potato pests and diseases from coast to coast for the 2023 growing season. Potato farmers...

Reducing the Wireworm Threat

As a national wireworm research project wraps, growers have more ways to control the pest. When Christine Noronha first started researching wireworms more than a...

Colorado Potato Beetles Break Down, Regrow Muscle to Survive Winter

New research from Western University has discovered hibernating Colorado potato beetles (CPBs) break down muscles to survive winters and then regrow them on demand...

Ontario’s Potato Field Guide Available to View Online

The Potato Field Guide of insects, diseases and defects, which was edited by the Ontario Potato Board's Eugenia Banks, is now available for viewing...

No Margin of Error to Control the Colorado Potato Beetle

Neonicotinoids have been used in Ontario for 26 years to control the Colorado potato beetle (CPB) but relying on one mode of action...