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ViewpointsRegen Ag Voices
Regen Ag Voices
845 Spud Farms is Working with Bezco Farming on Regen Ag
845 Spud Farms has no land of its own, so working with the grain farm it grows spuds on is important when it comes...
Moving Regen Ag from the Pasture to the Potato Field
Work is underway to change the way potato growers think about regenerative agriculture.
When the term regenerative agriculture first hit, it was almost strictly in...
Stopping Disappearing Soil on Bar 9 Farms in Alberta
Reducing soil erosion is the goal for Neil and James Bareman on their potato farm, Bar 9 Farms, in southern Alberta.
Farming in southern Alberta...
845 Spud Farms is Working with Bezco Farming on Regen Ag
845 Spud Farms has no land of its own, so working with the grain farm it grows spuds on is important when it comes...
Moving Regen Ag from the Pasture to the Potato Field
Work is underway to change the way potato growers think about regenerative agriculture.
When the term regenerative agriculture first hit, it was almost strictly in...
Stopping Disappearing Soil on Bar 9 Farms in Alberta
Reducing soil erosion is the goal for Neil and James Bareman on their potato farm, Bar 9 Farms, in southern Alberta.
Farming in southern Alberta...