The Elora Research Station in Ontario open house will be happening this year on August 11, a July 22 announcement says.
Chipping, fresh market and french fry potato lines will be displayed, including elite selections from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s national potato breeding program, Michigan State, Wisconsin and others.
Researchers from the University of Guelph will talk about their work, the announcement notes. Vanessa Currie will discuss new variety trials, Griffin Bailey potato early dying, Ian Tetlow and Victoria Butler potato starch, and Angela Gradish and Graham Ansell will talk about Colorado potato beetles.
The open house will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in a modified format rain or shine. There will be no assess to station buildings and a portable toilet will be available for use. There’s no wagon tour, attendees will need to drive themselves to each plot, the release notes. There will be no lunch provided, but water and pop will be offered. Attendees will also be required to provide contact information.
To register for the open house contact Vanessa Currie at [email protected]