

U of S Researcher Looking into Low Environmental Impact/Cost Potato Varieties

University of Saskatchewan plant scientist Kate Congreves has received funding from Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) to identify potato varieties which reduce environmental impact...

Heat-Proofing Our Potato Crops

As climate warming turns up the heat, how will Canadian potato production be affected? “Potato crops are known to be sensitive to high temperatures,” says Xiu-Qing...

Nurse Crops in Potato Production

What nurse crops assist potato production? An AAFC team investigates nurse crops that boost seedling success and yields. As with any field crop, young potato...

New Tool to Detect Blackleg Disease in Potato has Widespread Application

The American Phytopathological Society Potatoes are important. They rank fourth among the world's staple crops. In the United States, they are grown commercially in 30...

GM Potato Trials Point to Blight-Resistant Crops of the Future

A genetically modified potato with improved tuber quality and resistance to the devastating disease late blight has progressed successfully through the latest stage of...

Potato Virus Y is the Most Serious Threat to Potato — Some Strains More than Others

By American Phytopathological Society Potato virus Y (PVY) is the most serious problem facing the potato industry in the United States and is the main...

U of S Researcher Looking into Low Environmental Impact/Cost Potato Varieties

University of Saskatchewan plant scientist Kate Congreves has received funding from Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund (ADF) to identify potato varieties which reduce environmental impact...

Heat-Proofing Our Potato Crops

As climate warming turns up the heat, how will Canadian potato production be affected? “Potato crops are known to be sensitive to high temperatures,” says Xiu-Qing...

Nurse Crops in Potato Production

What nurse crops assist potato production? An AAFC team investigates nurse crops that boost seedling success and yields. As with any field crop, young potato...

New Tool to Detect Blackleg Disease in Potato has Widespread Application

The American Phytopathological Society Potatoes are important. They rank fourth among the world's staple crops. In the United States, they are grown commercially in 30...

GM Potato Trials Point to Blight-Resistant Crops of the Future

A genetically modified potato with improved tuber quality and resistance to the devastating disease late blight has progressed successfully through the latest stage of...

Potato Virus Y is the Most Serious Threat to Potato — Some Strains More than Others

By American Phytopathological Society Potato virus Y (PVY) is the most serious problem facing the potato industry in the United States and is the main...