NewsBusinessXiteBio's Potato Inoculant Receives CFIA Registration

XiteBio’s Potato Inoculant Receives CFIA Registration


XiteBio Tuber+, a phosphorus solubilizing commercial bacterial inoculant, has received registration from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), a Jan. 30 news release from XiteBio Technologies Inc. said.

XiteBio Tuber+ is developed for tuber crops like potato, sugar beet, sweet potato, the release said. It can applied in-furrow during planting or at early post-emergence and is compatible with commonly used liquid fertilizers and pesticides.

“High fertilizer prices and tight supply in 2022 show it is imperative that producers increase their fertilizer use efficiency. XiteBio Tuber+ can do exactly that; by enhancing the availability of P fertilizers so that the cost of production per unit decreases for the producers,” Manas Banerjee, CEO of XiteBio, said in the release.

The release noted that XiteBio’s commercial trials have shown XiteBio Tuber+ increases potato production on an average by 10 to 44 bags per acre.

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