Calgary, Alta.’s Establishment Brewing Company has launched the potato lager, a 4.5 per cent alcohol content American lager beer, the company says in a twitter post on July 14. The beer is called “This Spud’s For You.”
“This is our way of sticking it to the yam! We kid, but if you can’t count on small fries like us to roast self-proclaimed kings, what can you count on?” the company says in a tweet.
Establishment Brewing Company says the beer was brewed using Red Shed Malting’s barley and potatoes. They brewed it with a higher sugar concentration and then diluted it with water.
A portion of proceeds from sales of the beer will go to Grow Calgary, which is Calgary’s fresh food bank. The beer is available in six packs of 355 ml short cans and can be ordered through Establishment Brewing Company’s website.
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