NewsIndustry EventsMPPD Releases Schedule for 2024 Conference

MPPD Releases Schedule for 2024 Conference


Manitoba Potato Production Days (MPPD) has released its schedule for the 2024 conference featuring sessions on sustainability and fertigation, a post on the website said. The conference runs from Jan. 23 to 25, 2024 at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, Man.

Keynote speakers for the event include Vince Sgabellone who will speak on “Industry Trends and their Impact on the Potato Market”. Former NHL player and child advocate Sheldon Kennedy will be the luncheon speaker, and former Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer Graeme Kingdon will present on fighting to live. John Mesko with the Potato Sustainability Alliance will present also.

Technical sessions include topics such as ensuring reliable data, managing Verticillium, soil health, tuber trauma, fertigation, fungicide resistance and insecticides.

To register for the conference visit the MPPD website.

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