SustainabilityEnvironmentDucks Unlimited Puts Up Flux Towers to Study Wetlands

Ducks Unlimited Puts Up Flux Towers to Study Wetlands


Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) has erected multiple flux towers in freshwater mineral wetlands across Canada, an Oct. 16 news release said. The towers measure how much carbon dioxide and methane are being taken up and/or released from wetlands and how management impacts carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the towers has been put up at Oak Hammock Marsh in Manitoba. Oak Hammock Marsh is a large, restored prairie wetland located just north of Winnipeg, Man. The release noted it’s the site of DUC’s national headquarters and home to the Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research. Additional flux towers are located on project sites in southwestern Manitoba.

The research from these towers will help develop provincial and national carbon protocols while providing important information to guide the protection, conservation, restoration and management of freshwater wetlands, the release said.

The release noted funding for the project comes from Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Climate Action and Awareness Fund, the Beef Cattle Research Council, and the governments of Manitoba and Canada through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.

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