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Trapped in a Circular Discussion on Verticillium Management

I just stepped out of a meeting between several university agronomy faculty members and about a dozen vegetable farmers at a potato industry association. The...

PEI Potato Board Issues Scam Alert

The Prince Edward Island Potato Board posted the following statement on their website: Temporary Foreign Worker Program Employment Agreement Contract Scam It has come to our...

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Trapped in a Circular Discussion on Verticillium Management

I just stepped out of a meeting between several university agronomy faculty members and about a dozen vegetable farmers at a potato industry association. The...

A Roadmap to Better Understanding Your Soil Test Reports

Knowledge is power. When it comes to your soil test reports, the better you understand them, the more likely it is you’ll develop nutrient...

Partner Content

Data Driven Harvesting: Finally Available for Potatoes Too

IN 1849, a man by the name of Pieter Vansteenkiste founded a forge in Roeselare, Belgium, where he and his family manufactured agricultural and...

Keeping Spuds Healthy with a Wide Rotation

We started focusing on expanding our potato crop rotation about five years ago. We had been attending a lot of agronomy meetings, and at...


USDA to Keep the Potato Classified as Vegetable, Not a Grain

Potatoes will officially remain classified as a vegetable in the United States. U.S. Senator Susan Collins received a call from U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)...

Tolsma-Grisnich and the Invaro Group (Schouten) Collaborate in Optical Sorting Technology

As of May 1, 2024, Tolsma-Grisnich and the Invaro Group joined forces in the field of optical sorting of potatoes and onions. The partnership between...


Upcoming Webinar – Tackling Moisture When it’s Too Much / Too Little / Too Late

How can growers promote crop resilience and maximize productivity when conditions are less than ideal? Get the advice you need in our webinar at...

A New Way to Fight Colorado Potato Beetles

The first sprayable insecticide based on dsRNA technology has been approved in the U.S. and could be coming soon to Canada. A new weapon could...


Tolsma-Grisnich and the Invaro Group (Schouten) Collaborate in Optical Sorting Technology

As of May 1, 2024, Tolsma-Grisnich and the Invaro Group joined forces in the field of optical sorting of potatoes and onions. The partnership between...

KWS Welcomes New Manitoba Sales Rep

KWS Seeds Canada has welcomed Dan Bolton as its new Manitoba sales representative. Dan graduated with a degree in agriculture at the University of Manitoba...

