According to data released by Potatoes USA, exports of frozen potato products increased 8% in volume and 9% in value in April 2018 compared to April 2017. Dehy exports were up 21% in volume and 21% in value. Fresh exports were down 33% in volume and 13% in value. Frozen exports are up 1% for the July – June marketing year through April, with dehy up 5% year to date and fresh up 5% for the marketing year. The decline in fresh sales volume was driven by russets, down 10.3%. On the positive side red sales were up 2.1%, whites up 5%, medleys up 40% and purples up 7.2%.
The volume of fresh potatoes sold in 1 – 4 lb. bags was up 5%, while all other sizes declined with 10 lb. bags and over 10 lb. bags down 16% and 21% respectively. Based on the new Retail Sales data from IRI, the total volume of potatoes sold at retail in the U.S. declined 3.8% in May 2018 compared to May 2017, however the value increased by 1.3% based on a 5.5% increase in price per pound. The decline in volume was due to a 6.4% drop in fresh sales and a 6.9% decline in deli prepared sides.
Source: Potato News Today