Syngenta Canada Inc. has launched of Aprovia Top fungicide, offering Canadian potato growers a new tool for foliar early blight control and brown spot suppression.
Early blight, which is caused by the Alternaria solani fungus, is found in most potato growing regions. Foliar symptoms include small, brown, irregular or circular-shaped lesions that form on the potato plant’s lower leaves later in the season. The disease prefers warm, dry conditions to develop, and can be more severe in plants that are stressed and weakened.
Brown spot, caused by the Alternaria alternata fungus, is closely related to early blight and is found wherever potatoes are grown. Unlike early blight, brown spot can occur at any point during the growing season, producing small, dark brown lesions on the leaf surface.
Aprovia Top fungicide combines two modes of action with preventative and early curative activity on these two key diseases. Difenoconazole (Group 3) is absorbed rapidly by the leaf and moves from one side of the leaf to the other to protect both surfaces against disease. Solatenol (Group 7 SDHI) binds tightly to the leaf’s waxy layer and is gradually absorbed into the leaf tissue to provide long-lasting, residual protection.
“After a strong start, a foliar application of Aprovia Top can be used to manage these key diseases and keep potato crops greener longer,” explains Eric Phillips, fungicides and insecticides product lead with Syngenta Canada.
Aprovia Top is available now for use in 2017 production. In potatoes, one case will treat up to 40 acres.
At this time, maximum residue limits (MRLs) for Solatenol use on potatoes have been established for markets in Canada and the United States. Growers should consult with their processor prior to use.
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