NewsIndustry EventsPotato Post-harvest Management Workshop Series

Potato Post-harvest Management Workshop Series


Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF), in partnership with the Potato Growers of Alberta, is holding a potato post-harvest management workshop at three sites in March.

“Crop and financial losses of stored potatoes has a significant impact on the profitability of fresh and seed potato growers in Alberta,” says Robert Spencer, commercial horticulture specialist, AF. “Participants will learn about potato storage design and management, as well as pre-harvest, post-harvest, in-storage and post-storage disease management information. This will increase their capacity for prolonged quality potato storage, as well as reduce losses that occur in storage or in the post-harvest process.”

The workshop dates are:

  • Lethbridge (March 7)
  • Lacombe (March 8)
  • Westlock (March 9)

A maximum of two attendees from each farm operation may attend. The cost to attend these workshops is $15 per person (plus GST), which includes lunch and a resource binder for each farm operation. Participants are asked to register in advance by calling the Ag-Info Centre Registration line at 1-800-387-6030 prior to February 28, 2017.


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