AgronomyCrop ProductionPotato Europe 2017 welcomed 10,000 visitors, despite weather

Potato Europe 2017 welcomed 10,000 visitors, despite weather


Despite the cancellation of Day 1 of Potato Europe (Wednesday, Sept. 13) and the less-than-perfect weather on Day 2, the 270 exhibitors were able to welcome around 10,000 visitors on Thursday, Sept. 14.

The trade fair was opened by the mayor of the Noordoostpolder, Aucke van der Werff. By pushing the button, he started the harvesting demonstrations. The harvested potatoes of variety Innovator went straight into the box-filling demonstration and storage lines. Later in the day, most demonstrations were cancelled due to rain.

The 270 exhibitors from 16 countries saw an interested audience from 53 countries. Among the visitors were more than 800 students who came for the specially-designed themed routes and lectures on Future, Space, Virtual.

Innovation Award

The golden innovation award was handed out to BASF with the 1.4 Sight sprout inhibitor. Dr. Ir. Peter Kooman, lector potato chain and sector innovation at Aeres University, praised the innovative nature of the product as chairman of the jury. This is a new way of thinking to control sprout naturally.

Gebr. MagGrow. Weststrate won the silver award. Bronze went to Tolsma Grisnich with the 5M Temperature Sensor.

Prior to the trade fair, the expert jury selected five contenders from 26 entries. The public voted to determine the final winners.

Next year, Potato Europe will be held in Germany on Rittergut Bockerode (near Hanover) Sept. 12 and 13, 2018.

Source: Potato Pro

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