BusinessP.E.I. Potato Board closing Borden-Carleton inspection station

P.E.I. Potato Board closing Borden-Carleton inspection station


The P.E.I. Potato Board is closing its inspection station in Borden-Carleton on Jan. 31.

Greg Donald, the board’s general manager, said the directors made the decision to close the facility after a recent meeting.

He explained that the facility opened in 1999 and was responsible for taking samples of potatoes before they went to the Canadian marketplace and tested them for quality and packaging standards. The facility also handled trade issues, he said.

But a lot of that work is now done on farms or at packaging facilities, so the board of directors decided the inspection station was no longer needed, Donald said.

“Those functions, and in large part, because of that facility and the great staff there, the standards have increased in the industry,” Donald added.

Three full-time jobs and a seasonal position will be eliminated, he said.


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