[deck]World Potato Congress Inc. offers its third webinar with Dr. Gary Secor presenting “Best Management Practices for Seed Potato Handling from Storage to Planting.”[/deck]
The World Potato Congress (WPC) is very pleased to be offering its third webinar in its 2019 series with Dr. Gary Secor. Secor is a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at North Dakota State University in Fargo, N.D, United States. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees from Montana State University, and his PhD from the University of California-Davis.
Secor has worked with numerous potato diseases, concentrating in recent years on new disease discovery, potato late blight, zebra chip, fungicide resistance management in pathogens of potatoes and sugar beet, seed treatment, variety development, Fusarium diseases, bacterial soft rot, blemish diseases and post-harvest diseases.
Secor is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Dahl Excellence in Research from NDSU, Inspiring Teacher from NDSU, Meritorious Service Award from the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, Distinguished Service Award from the Sugar Beet Industry of Minn. and N.D., Meritorious Service Award from the National Potato Council, Honorary Life Membership from the Potato Association of America, Distinguished Service Award from the Potato Association of Chile, Distinguished Service Award from the American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists, and 2018 WPC Industry Award.
Secor’s presentation “Best Management Practices for Seed Potato Handling from Storage to Planting” will be live on April 25, 2019 at 08:00 a.m. CDT. The purpose of this webinar is to provide best management practices for selection and handling of seed potatoes from storage to planting to maximize seed potato performance in the field for quality and yield.
This presentation will discuss factors affecting seed potato growth, how to select quality seed potatoes, and the importance of proper handling of seed potatoes during loading, transport, unloading and pre-plant storage. It will also discuss preparation of seed for planting, whether to use whole seed or cut seed, seed cutting and considerations for using of dust and liquid seed treatments.
Descriptions of important early season diseases will be presented with suggestions for management by cultural and fungicide practices. This webinar will be valuable to seed growers, but it will be particularly valuable to anyone who buys and plants seed potatoes.
The host for the WPC webinar series will be WPC Director, Dr. Nora Olsen ([email protected]).
Interested participants can register and will be able to interact with the presenters of the webinar. To register in advance for this webinar:
https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_m2OyZ_UIShGmOEdFWZU-aA. Following your registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar.
The webinars will be recorded and therefore, those who are unable to join us live can view these webinars via the WPC website www.potatocongress.org until December 31, 2019.
Please also mark your calendars for WPC’s fourth webinar with Cedric Porter. Mr. Porter is the Editor of Brexit Food & Farming, a unique monthly briefing tracking and analysing the impact of Brexit on the food and farming industries. Mr. Porter also co-edits World Potato Markets, a weekly briefing on global potato production, trade and prices. Mr. Porter webinar’s presentation will be: “World Potato Output and Trade” on May 14, 2019 at09:00 Eastern Standard Time.
WPC looks forward to interacting with you during this initiative. We welcome all your feedback via [email protected].