Prinsen Agricultural & Handling Solutions, a Dutch company specializing in post-harvest processing technology with offices in Canada, has added a new machine to its product lineup. It’s a new electronic stone and clod separator called the Agrisep, which can be used for used for both unwashed and washed potatoes as well as other vegetables like onions or carrots.
According to Frank Prinsen, international account manager at Prinsen, “The Agrisep works based on infrared light, measuring the humidity of the objects on the supply belt. That way, it distinguishes between organic and inorganic material [and] the clods and stones among the potatoes … are sorted in a product-friendly manner.”
Prinsen says the Agrisep comes in different versions and has a capacity of 10 to 50 tonnes per hour. It also detects at least 80 to 90 per cent of clods and stones, and can save operators money by reducing reliance on manual labour, he adds.
“It’s really a hot item,” Prinsen says. “Quality is becoming ever more important, and with an electronic clod separator, you can make a difference.”
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