IssuesFall 2018Ireland selected to host 2021 World Potato Congress

Ireland selected to host 2021 World Potato Congress


The Irish Potato Federation – with the support of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Bord Bia, Failte Ireland and Teagasc – has won its bid to host the World Potato Congress (WPC) in 2021 in Dublin.

It is envisaged that 1,000 delegates from developing and developed countries across the globe – including: growers; researchers; producers; traders; processors; and manufacturers – will attend the congress.

The Irish Potato Federation has also secured the simultaneous hosting of the Europatat Congress – the annual congress of the European association of the potato trade.

Both events will become a week-long focus on the potato, the third most important food crop in terms of global consumption.

“Winning the World Potato Congress for Ireland is the culmination of a lot of hard and creative work by a very dedicated committee and I know that the 2021 congress will shine a spotlight on the importance of the potato in Ireland, and across the globe, and become a centrepiece of world-class marketing excellence,” said Michael Hoey, president of the Irish Potato Federation.

“Ireland has a very important historical and cultural connection with the potato going back hundreds of years,” noted Romain Cools, president and CEO of World Potato Congress Inc. “The World Potato Congress in Dublin will be the perfect follow-up to this year’s congress, which will be held in May 2018 in Cusco, Peru, under the title ‘Biodiversity, food security and business.'”

Source: AgriLand

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