AgronomyEquipment and Technology Showcase

Equipment and Technology Showcase


Foliar Fungicide

Early Blight and brown leaf spot have recently become less sensitive to existing Group 11 and other Group 7 fungicides in North America, leaving potato growers with fewer effective options. Luna Tranquility, a fungicide already trusted by apple and grape growers, now offers potato growers an effective alternative to control these diseases as part of a responsible resistance management program.

Bayer CropScience recently received registration for Luna Tranquility as a foliar fungicide for potatoes. Unlike any other previous fungicides, Luna Tranquility is a distinctive co-formulation that includes new and unique Group 7 (fluopyram) and proven Group 9 (pyrimethanil) modes of action, which provided superior control of early blight, brown leaf spot and white mold in field trials. The fungicide, which can be applied by either ground or air, also demonstrated effective protection against black dot.

Alberta agronomist Lindsay Fletcher of Crop Production Services, who participated in the field trials, found Luna Tranquility to be great at combating yield-reducing diseases, adding that it was “nice to have a chemistry that controls both parts of Alternaria spp.” Fletcher also noted that the unique chemistry behind Luna Tranquility could offer growers an effective resistance management tool.

Serenade Soil, another new potato product from Bayer CropScience available in 2014, is a biological fungicide that protects against soil diseases like rhizoctonia and pythium. Used as an in-furrow application, Serenade Soil builds a disease protection zone around the seed and roots. The liquid biological fungicide is exempt from tolerances and has a unique mode of action (Group 44) that assists with resistance management.

For more information, visit

Seed Treatment

Syngenta’s Cruiser Maxx Potato Extreme seed treatment has been registered for use on potato crops in Canada. According to the company, the enhanced, all-in-one, liquid pre-mix delivers a concentrated formulation that is simple and convenient to use and provides reliable protection from seed-borne diseases and early-season insects.

“With the launch of Cruiser Maxx Potato Extreme, Syngenta continues its commitment to bringing high-quality Seedcare options to growers,” says Nathan Klages, product lead, Seedcare, for Syngenta Canada. “This new liquid pre-mix formulation provides growers with the ability to target both disease and insect pests with one product and the new concentrated formulation facilitates ease of mixing and measuring with fewer jugs to handle.”

Chris Denys, Syngenta’s Seedcare technical lead for Eastern Canada, agrees. “We’ve had people talk about the number of jugs they’ve had to throw away at the end of the year. They’re pleased that they’re going to have less of that to deal with,” he says, adding that the new seed treatment’s all-in-one formulation makes it easier for growers to use. “Now [they] have one calculation to figure out for one product.”

Cruiser Maxx Potato Extreme contains three active ingredients for comprehensive control. Group 4 insecticide, thiamethoxam, works systemically to provide broad-spectrum performance. In the plant, it is translocated via the plant’s water-conducting system where it remains active for up to 100 days.

Cruiser Maxx Potato Extreme also provides two modes of action against disease — an important feature now that some strains of seed-borne fusarium are resistant to thiophanate-methyl and fludioxonil. The combination of Group 3 fungicide, difenoconazole, and Group 12 fungicide, fludioxonil, offer a broad spectrum of control, including protection from silver scurf, rhizoctonia control, and a second mode of action against resistant fusarium.

For more information, visit


For more information on the products listed or to submit new E&T product offerings, email Mark Halsall at [email protected].


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