IssuesFall 2013Equipment and Technology Showcase

Equipment and Technology Showcase


Precision Farming Display

The new TMX-2050 from Trimble is a modern precision farming display that is built on the popular Android operating system and optimized for the company’s Connected Farm service, an integrated operations management system that facilitates information exchange across the entire farm.

“Combining the latest technology in hardware, software and data management, the display is the in-cab tool that seamlessly integrates with Connected Farm and takes farmers to the next level of operational efficiency and productivity,” says Joe Denniston, vice president of Trimble’s agriculture division. “By building the display on a flexible platform, farmers can easily add the features and services they need today, as well as applications their farms may require in the future.”

The TMX-2050 display is a new addition to the Connected Farm service offered by Trimble.

Mike Martinez, Trimble’s agriculture market manager, says the guidance accuracy offered by the TMX-2050 and other Connected Farm products is particularly beneficial for potato farmers. “Potato production requires high accuracy to plant and then harvest due to the fact that the actual product is hidden beneath the surface of the soil and cannot be seen by the operator. It is important that both operations take place using high accuracy sub-inch positioning such as with the Trimble TMX-2050 display and Autopilot automated steering using CenterPoint RTK corrections. This product combination allows for planted lines to be recorded and stored for later use by the harvester and with this level of accuracy, the harvester can follow a very precise guidance line and not damage the potato,” says Martinez.

“Potato producers are not only looking for ways to increase yields and quality, but also operate their businesses more efficiently. Ease of use and smooth workflows in the TMX-2050 display increases operator productivity and decreases the learning curve. To add to that, the Connected Farm was designed to help growers transform the way they work and to provide them with information, not data, at their fingertips that they can use to make quick and informed decisions about their business,” Martinez adds.

“For example, a grower can take a look at the Connected Farm dashboard first thing in the morning and within seconds, assess how much rain they had the night before at any location in any field they work. This rain data, brought to us by Trimble’s recent acquisition of RainWave, allows that grower to make an immediate decision to turn on or off irrigation, stop field activities due to excessive wet conditions, or to schedule new activities.”

The TMX-2050 display is expected to be available in the fourth quarter of 2013. Contact a local Trimble reseller at for more information.

For more information on the products listed or to submit new E&T product offerings, email Mark Halsall at [email protected].

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