Soil Health: A Growing Concern

Soil health is crucial for potato growers, but let’s face it: many of us have only a surface level understanding of what it means. It...

Clean Heat, Clear Conscience

The biggest buzzword in agriculture today is sustainability. It’s a goal with pursuing, for sure, but it can also feel very daunting when it...

Turns Out Black Dot Costs a Lot More Than We’ve Realized

While the potato industry has known about black dot for a very long time, it’s always been an afterthought on the disease list, far...

Is Your Storage Strategy About Waiting… or Winning?

I was talking to a potato producer last week about how he’d attacked the growing season challenges and harvest headaches he faced this year,...

Turning Thank You into Action

I love my job. I feel incredibly lucky to work in an industry filled with remarkable people who support and inspire each other. It’s...

NAPSO Launches to Lead the Next Big Leap in the Potato Industry

At this year’s Potato Association of America annual meeting in Portland, a big event in the potato industry quietly took place just down the...

Lessons From Life: How to Prevent Seed Tubers from Becoming Ticking Time Bombs

I was supposed to go for beer with a buddy of mine last week when he called me sheepishly to postpone. The issue was...

Maximize Potato Quality from Field to Storage

Harvest is a hectic time of year filled with decisions that can make or break your potato season. A few Sundays ago, I got...

Increased Yields Equals More “Servings”

Whether you side with organic or conventional, soil fumigation or in-crop disease management, no-till, cover crops or any of the so many other components...

Are You Giving Your Spuds a 1-Star or 4-Star Experience?

We’re rolling our way towards the end of harvest. Across the country, potato growers are heaving a sigh of well-earned relief as great looking...

Soil Health: A Growing Concern

Soil health is crucial for potato growers, but let’s face it: many of us have only a surface level understanding of what it means. It...

Clean Heat, Clear Conscience

The biggest buzzword in agriculture today is sustainability. It’s a goal with pursuing, for sure, but it can also feel very daunting when it...

Turns Out Black Dot Costs a Lot More Than We’ve Realized

While the potato industry has known about black dot for a very long time, it’s always been an afterthought on the disease list, far...

Is Your Storage Strategy About Waiting… or Winning?

I was talking to a potato producer last week about how he’d attacked the growing season challenges and harvest headaches he faced this year,...

Turning Thank You into Action

I love my job. I feel incredibly lucky to work in an industry filled with remarkable people who support and inspire each other. It’s...

NAPSO Launches to Lead the Next Big Leap in the Potato Industry

At this year’s Potato Association of America annual meeting in Portland, a big event in the potato industry quietly took place just down the...

Lessons From Life: How to Prevent Seed Tubers from Becoming Ticking Time Bombs

I was supposed to go for beer with a buddy of mine last week when he called me sheepishly to postpone. The issue was...

Maximize Potato Quality from Field to Storage

Harvest is a hectic time of year filled with decisions that can make or break your potato season. A few Sundays ago, I got...

Increased Yields Equals More “Servings”

Whether you side with organic or conventional, soil fumigation or in-crop disease management, no-till, cover crops or any of the so many other components...

Are You Giving Your Spuds a 1-Star or 4-Star Experience?

We’re rolling our way towards the end of harvest. Across the country, potato growers are heaving a sigh of well-earned relief as great looking...

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