AgronomyCrop Inputs

Crop Inputs

Alberta Launches Water Runoff Monitoring Project

The following piece is from our sister publication, Alberta Seed Guide. Researchers in Alberta will be taking a closer look at crop protection product runoff...

Using Manure to Fertilize Spuds

How good is using livestock manure as a fertilizer for your potatoes? Livestock manure has been used as a fertilizer for potato fields for decades,...

Neonic Imidacloprid Use on Potatoes Reduced

Canadian potato growers will still be able to use imidacloprid for foliar applications but in-furrow application has been cancelled, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory...

Bayer Vayego U.S. MRLs to Match Canada Limit

The Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) in the United States for vayego insecticide have been harmonized with those in Canada, Bayer says in a news release...

Positive PMRA Potato Insecticide Ruling

The potato industry is viewing the latest PMRA decision as a good sign for growers. With major uses of clothianidin and thiamethoxam still available to...

Potato Use of Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam Restricted

Clothianidin's in-furrow potato application and thiamethoxam's soil drench potato applications have been cancelled, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) says in two published...

Alberta Launches Water Runoff Monitoring Project

The following piece is from our sister publication, Alberta Seed Guide. Researchers in Alberta will be taking a closer look at crop protection product runoff...

Using Manure to Fertilize Spuds

How good is using livestock manure as a fertilizer for your potatoes? Livestock manure has been used as a fertilizer for potato fields for decades,...

Neonic Imidacloprid Use on Potatoes Reduced

Canadian potato growers will still be able to use imidacloprid for foliar applications but in-furrow application has been cancelled, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory...

Bayer Vayego U.S. MRLs to Match Canada Limit

The Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) in the United States for vayego insecticide have been harmonized with those in Canada, Bayer says in a news release...

Positive PMRA Potato Insecticide Ruling

The potato industry is viewing the latest PMRA decision as a good sign for growers. With major uses of clothianidin and thiamethoxam still available to...

Potato Use of Clothianidin and Thiamethoxam Restricted

Clothianidin's in-furrow potato application and thiamethoxam's soil drench potato applications have been cancelled, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) says in two published...