USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimates the United States fall potato potato production for 2017 at 399 million cwt, down two per cent from last year.
The area harvested, at 900,600 acres, is down one per cent from the previous year. The average yield forecast, at 443 cwt per acre, is down 4 cwt (-0.9 per cent) from last year’s record high yield.
In Idaho, growers reported some flooding and cool weather occurred earlier in the spring, causing delays in planting progress. Potato production in the state is forecast at 131 million cwt., down six per cent from last year. Harvested area, at 309,000 acres, is down 15,000 acres from 2016. Yield is expected to be 425 cwt. per acre, down 5 cwt. from 2016. As of Oct. 29, 96 per cent of the crop had been harvested.
Potato production in Washington is forecast at 99.0 million cwt., down six per cent from last year. Harvested area, at 165,000 acres, is down 4,000 acres from 2016. Yield is expected to be 600 cwt. per acre down 25 cwt. acre from the previous year. As of Oct. 29, harvest in Washington was 95 per cent completed.
Potato production in Oregon is forecast at 20.8 million cwt., down nine per cent from the previous year. Harvested area, at 37,800 acres, is down 1,100 from 2016. Yield is expected to be 550 cwt. per acre, down 40 cwt. from 2016. As of Oct. 29, harvest in Oregon was 93 per cent completed.
Potato production in North Dakota is forecast at 25.2 million cwt., up 16 per cent from last year. Planted acres, at 75,000 acres, were down 5,000 acres from 2016. Acres harvested are estimated at 74,000 acres, up 2,000 acres from 2016. Yield is estimated at 340 cwt. per acre, up 40 cwt. from last year. Planting was complete by June 11 and digging began in late August. Harvest was virtually complete by Oct. 22.