While it may be time to harvest the 2022 potato crop, Syngenta is recommending growers start working on their 2023 seed treatment plans, an Aug. 18 news release said.
In the release Syngenta recommended growers protect against diseases with a broad-spectrum fungicide and a neonicotinoid seed treatment, such as Cruisermaxx Vibrance Potato. It helps control insects such as Colorado potato beetles, aphids, potato psyllid and leafhoppers.
“CruiserMaxx Vibrance Potato seed treatment is an effective option for potato growers looking to start the season strong,” Brian Danaher, product marketing lead at Syngenta, said in the release. “This product offers a complete set of fungicide and insecticide activity to protect young plants, whether the threat is Rhizoctonia, Helminthosporium and Fusarium or a multitude of below- and above-ground pests.”
Enhancing germination, increasing vigour, and improving stand establishment is key to minimizing risk and optimizing marketable yield and quality, the release said. Cruisermaxx Vibrance Potato is a liquid formulation which increases efficiency by offering convenience and ease of use when it comes to application, versus a dry seed treatment.
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