
Swansfleet Alliance of Treherne and Bruxelles was named the top potato grower for the McCain Manitoba plants during the annual Growers’ Banquet held in November at the Carberry Community Hall. Approximately 190 guests gathered to celebrate the top growers and their achievements.

“A special thanks to all of our potato growers in the Manitoba region for their partnership in our business,” said Jim Waugh, director NA manufacturing mid-west. “Our success depends on winning together and we look forward to a very strong relationship moving forward.”

Swansfleet Alliance started in the seed business and only began contracting potatoes with McCain four years ago. They have been in the top 10 for the past three years and achieved the top grower award this year. The Swansfleet Alliance team is comprised of Vince Jonk, Andrew Devloo, Samantha Devloo, Yvonne Jonk, Linda Jonk, Tim Jonk, Russell Jonk, Megan Alcock, and Steve and Kristin Jonk.

“It’s an impressive achievement,” said Bob Hyra, director NA agriculture mid-west “Being in the top 10 category for every eligible year is remarkable, and I applaud Swansfleet for their hard work and dedication.”

In addition to being awarded a keepsake trophy, a revolving trophy and a cheque for $1,000, Swansfleet Alliance will also receive an all-expense-paid trip to a destination of choice for their achievement.

Potatoes are rated throughout the year on a variety of factors including size, gravity, defect level and colour, and awarded points accordingly. At the end of each crop year, the top 10 growers are determined based on their overall scores.

Back row, l-r: Dean Melnic, Plant Manager, Portage la Prairie; Jim Waugh, Director NA Manufacturing MidWest; Randy Hofer; John Goff; Sandra Goff; John Adriaansen; Shawna Adriaansen; Jennifer Wiebe; Lisa Adriaansen; Sheldon Wiebe; Tom Adriaansen; Kim Adriaansen; Gill Davison; Paul Adriaansen; Brad Davison; Jackie Davison; Rick Davison; Phillip Wollman; Jonas Wollman; John Hofer Jr.; Joseph Wollman; Terry Bailey; Lori Bailey; Dave Giroux, Plant Manager, Carberry. Front row, l-r: Isaiah Hofer; Mark Keller; Vince Jonk; Andrew Devloo; Samantha Devloo; Yvonne Jonk; Linda Jonk; Tim Jonk; Bob Hyra, Director NA Agriculture MidWest.
Back row, l-r: Dean Melnic, Plant Manager, Portage la Prairie; Jim Waugh, Director NA Manufacturing MidWest; Randy Hofer; John Goff; Sandra Goff; John Adriaansen; Shawna Adriaansen; Jennifer Wiebe; Lisa Adriaansen; Sheldon Wiebe; Tom Adriaansen; Kim Adriaansen; Gill Davison; Paul Adriaansen; Brad Davison; Jackie Davison; Rick Davison; Phillip Wollman; Jonas Wollman; John Hofer Jr.; Joseph Wollman; Terry Bailey; Lori Bailey; Dave Giroux, Plant Manager, Carberry. Front row, l-r: Isaiah Hofer; Mark Keller; Vince Jonk; Andrew Devloo; Samantha Devloo; Yvonne Jonk; Linda Jonk; Tim Jonk; Bob Hyra, Director NA Agriculture MidWest.

The others growers who qualified for the top 10 roster, in order of final standing, were: Shilo Farms (Mark Keller – Shilo), Millshof (Paul Wollman and Joseph Wollman – Glenboro), Spud Plains Farms (Paul and Kim Adriaansen – Wellwood), Bailey Farms (Terry and Lori Bailey – Carberry), Corduroy Plains (John and Sandra Goff – Carman), Acadia Colony Farms (Isaiah and John Hofer – Carberry), A&M Farm Ventures (Tom and Lisa Adriaansen, John and Shawna Adriaansen – Carberry), Davison Farms (Rick and Jackie Davison, Brad and Gill Davison – Carberry), J.P Wiebe (Sheldon and Jennifer Wiebe – MacGregor).

Each received a $1,000 cheque and a plaque for their accomplishments.

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