[componentheading]2014 Manitoba Potato Production Days[/componentheading]
Shimona Mehta
Director Client Development, Foodservice at the NPD Group
Shimona sits down with Spud Smart Media to discuss how her firm tracks consumer choices in food service and the challenges faced by the potato industry, including the need for great tasting potato products.
Ian MacRae
Extension Entomologist, University of Minnesota, Department of Entomology
Ian sits down with Spud Smart Media to discuss his findings with respect to the growing tolerance or resistance of Colorado potato beetle to neonicotinoid pesticides, a common ingredient in seed potato treatments.
Gary Secor
Professor, Plant Pathology Department, North Dakota State University
Gary sits down with Spud Smart Media to discuss variety development, how to produce good potato seed and best management practices for potato seed treatment.
Troy Peters
Extension Irrigation Specialist and Associate Scientist, Washington State University – Irrigated Agriculture Research and Extension Center
Troy sits down with Spud Smart Media to discuss irrigation application uniformity, the use of centre pivot technology in managing water use and the importance of irrigation management.
[componentheading]2013 Manitoba Farm Day[/componentheading]