AgronomyCrop ProductionNorth West European Potato Yield Forecast to Be Average

North West European Potato Yield Forecast to Be Average


Potato yields in North-Western Europe are forecast to be on par with the five-year average, the North-Western European Potato Growers (NEPG) says in a news release on Sept. 8.

With an acreage increase of 1.4 per cent compared to last year, production is estimated at 27.9 million tons, up 3.8 per cent from last year, the release notes. However, that will still be smaller than 2017’s harvest of 29.6 million tons.

A heatwave in July and August has caused the crop to be more aged than usual and less productive, the report says. Recent trial harvest averages are showing 200 to 300 kg growing per day — which is extremely low. The NEPG is also reporting large yield differences over the five countries and also within the five countries.

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