AgronomyEquipment and Technology Showcase

Equipment and Technology Showcase


Transporting Potatoes

GOW Group Inc., an industrial fabrication facility in Grand Falls, N.B., is offering a new, redesigned bulk box for transporting potatoes and other produce.

The box offers a number of new features, including a vertical sliding side gate, round construction, front and rear planetary drives, and an easy-access swing out hydraulic compartment.

GOW owner/operator, Marco Gagnon, says the time was right for a redesign. “The box was the same design we’d been using for more than 20 years, so we tried to make it better,” he says.

Gagnon maintains the vertical sliding side gate is safer than the previous swing out version. In addition, the old belt-drive system has been replaced by front and rear chain drives, making for easier unloading. A new swing out hydraulic compartment also simplifies the operation.

The new bulk box built by GOW features a round design that increases capacity. Photo courtesy of Gow.

Gagnon points to the new round construction as another selling point. “You can get more volume in the box with the new design,” he says.

Gow’s bulk boxes are designed to carry the most produce without bruising. The redesigned box features the ‘ConstaFLOW’ constant volume unloading system, capable of moving up to 9000 pounds per minute.

All GOW bulk boxes and trailers can be painted according to client colour specifications. The boxes are available in lengths of 20, 22 or 24 feet and trailers can be built up to 40 feet in length.

Visit for more information.

Crop Protection

FMC, a diversified chemical company serving agricultural, industrial, environmental and consumer markets worldwide, is offering Aim EC herbicide for timely potato vine and foliage desiccation to improve the overall quality of potato harvests.

Proper tuber maturity at harvest is an important factor in producing high-quality potatoes. A mature tuber has improved skin set, bruise resistance and increased storage life. Following Aim label guidelines can improve vine kill success and in turn, tuber quality.

“Insufficient detachment of tuber and stolon can damage the potatoes during harvesting. Aim herbicide provides reliable and consistent performance, even under adverse conditions,” says Mitch Long, product development manager at FMC Canada. “It’s a smart investment that puts growers in control of their desiccation and harvest management.”

Desiccation improves bulking, helps detach the tuber from the vine and reduces skinning. An effective desiccant, such as Aim herbicide, allows time for tuber bulking and skin set, but not so much time that harvest is delayed.

“Aim offers maximum quality and yield that makes harvest straightforward and trouble-free. An additional application of Aim can greatly improve results for a cleaner, healthier crop and easier harvesting,” says Long. For best performance, apply Aim near senescence with adequate volumes of water.

For more information, visit

Row Crop Tractor

Rocky Mountain Equipment, Canada’s largest Case IH dealer group, is offering the Case IH Steiger Rowtrac, a new heavy-duty tractor designed for row crops such as potatoes.

“The Steiger Rowtrac is the only factory-equipped, narrow-belted, four-track tractor,” says Darryl Priel, tractor specialist at Case IH. “It has a configurable stance that gives the farmer incredible versatility to suit his farm operations.”

The Rowtrac is capable of adjustable row spacings and comes in three models—the 350, 400 and 450—giving operators more adaptability and versatility for different cropping systems.

The Case IH Steiger Rowtrac is a heavy-duty tractor built for row crops such as potatoes. Photo courtesy of RME.

The tractor boosts a best-in-class, high-horsepower engine as well as a half-inch-thick steel frame, increasing its capacity to pull heavy equipment. In addition, the Rowtrac’s superior hydraulic system featuring a 113-gallon-per-minute flow allows it to easily handle the largest planters and seeders.

According to Mitch Kaiser, Steiger marketing manager at Case IH, the Rowtrac “puts more power to the ground, improves traction and simplifies transport, allowing users to cover more ground in less time, even when field conditions are less than optimum.”

Other features include AccuGuide, a factory-installed auto-guidance system by Advanced Farming Systems designed to increase efficiency and accuracy in field applications.

To learn more about the Case IH Steiger Rowtrac, talk to your local RME dealer or visit

Fuel Tanks

Meridian Manufacturing Inc., an industry leader in storage and handling equipment, is offering new state-of-the-art fuel tanks.

The Meridian fuel tanks feature double-wall steel construction, preventing costly fuel leaks and providing environmentally safe storage. Photo courtesy of Meridian.

The tanks feature the same design, strength and quality standards that all Meridian products are known for. Peter Dunn, petroleum tank resource manager for Meridian, says they were built to reflect changing market needs, describing them as “equipment technology meets bulk fuel storage and dispensing technology.”

The containment tanks are suited for all fuel types and are constructed of double-walled steel, preventing costly fuel leaks and providing environmentally-safe storage.


“Our double wall fuel tanks meet and exceed safety and environmental standards, and our quality and attention to detail makes them the preferred choice in the industry,” says Dunn.

Safety features include primary and secondary emergency venting, grounding tabs, ladders, platforms, as well as top and bottom fill and spill containment.

The fuel tanks are available in a number of sizes ranging from 2,300 to 100,000 litres. According to Dunn, opting for a larger-capacity tank can help farmers save money by allowing them to “buy larger volumes of fuel and minimize price volatility in peak seasons.”

The fuel tanks can be ordered complete with state-of-the-art dispensing equipment. Meridian offers packages that include high-volume pumps, large hoses and retractors, and automatic nozzles and fill alarms to ensure cleanliness, safety, environmental stewardship and more efficient refueling.

For more information, visit

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