

Improving Our Soil Health for the Future

At our family farm, Swansfleet, in Bruxelles, Man. quality has always been the driving force behind everything we do. Lately, that drive for quality...

How to Avoid Potato Storage’s Most Avoidable Cost

There are few things more frustrating for a potato producer than shipping what looks like a beautiful, low-cull load of potatoes, then receiving lower-than-expected...

Moving Forward with the Next Generation on Regen Ag

It’s funny how situations can repeat themselves. When I first finished university and came home to work on the family farm with my father...

How Well Do You Know Relative Humidity?

Relative Humidity (RH) is arguably potato storage’s most critical concept: a necessary component of storage that growers can directly control. However, it’s poorly understood...

Should You Invest in Finetuning? (The Answer Isn’t Always Yes)

Hi! I’m Heather. You might have seen my smiling face show up at your farm, or maybe we’ve crossed paths at a farm show....

Blackspot Doesn’t Have to be Inevitable

I get it: harvest is crazy. When every moment is counted on, it can be very tempting to dig too early in the morning...

Improving Our Soil Health for the Future

At our family farm, Swansfleet, in Bruxelles, Man. quality has always been the driving force behind everything we do. Lately, that drive for quality...

How to Avoid Potato Storage’s Most Avoidable Cost

There are few things more frustrating for a potato producer than shipping what looks like a beautiful, low-cull load of potatoes, then receiving lower-than-expected...

Moving Forward with the Next Generation on Regen Ag

It’s funny how situations can repeat themselves. When I first finished university and came home to work on the family farm with my father...

How Well Do You Know Relative Humidity?

Relative Humidity (RH) is arguably potato storage’s most critical concept: a necessary component of storage that growers can directly control. However, it’s poorly understood...

Should You Invest in Finetuning? (The Answer Isn’t Always Yes)

Hi! I’m Heather. You might have seen my smiling face show up at your farm, or maybe we’ve crossed paths at a farm show....

Blackspot Doesn’t Have to be Inevitable

I get it: harvest is crazy. When every moment is counted on, it can be very tempting to dig too early in the morning...