AgronomyCrop Production

Crop Production

Seeding decisions harvest opportunities for Canadian farmers

With innovations in crop science, production practices, and marketing, Canadian farm operators are growing a wider variety of field crops while also expanding their...

Companion planting offers hope for wireworm control

“Attract and kill” method could hit pest populations hard while costing growers less. Wireworm is persona non grata in many Canadian potato-growing areas, particularly in...

Seed potatoes go to waste due to trade restrictions

The repercussions of the tomato potato psyllid outbreak are taking shape in Western Australia (WA), with seed potato growers starting to feed hundreds of...

Soil Health Key for Long-Term Potato Production

A key feature of healthy soil is the quality and quantity of soil organic matter. Across North America, most potato crop yields have been on...

Potato Late Blight Management

Potato late blight is a devastating disease of potatoes. It can destroy a potato field in a few days if wet weather prevails and...

Dicamba drift a new danger for potato growers

Crop damage caused by herbicide drift should be a risk on Manitoba potato producers’ radar this year. Soybean producers are gearing up to plant Roundup...

Seeding decisions harvest opportunities for Canadian farmers

With innovations in crop science, production practices, and marketing, Canadian farm operators are growing a wider variety of field crops while also expanding their...

Companion planting offers hope for wireworm control

“Attract and kill” method could hit pest populations hard while costing growers less. Wireworm is persona non grata in many Canadian potato-growing areas, particularly in...

Seed potatoes go to waste due to trade restrictions

The repercussions of the tomato potato psyllid outbreak are taking shape in Western Australia (WA), with seed potato growers starting to feed hundreds of...

Soil Health Key for Long-Term Potato Production

A key feature of healthy soil is the quality and quantity of soil organic matter. Across North America, most potato crop yields have been on...

Potato Late Blight Management

Potato late blight is a devastating disease of potatoes. It can destroy a potato field in a few days if wet weather prevails and...

Dicamba drift a new danger for potato growers

Crop damage caused by herbicide drift should be a risk on Manitoba potato producers’ radar this year. Soybean producers are gearing up to plant Roundup...