b'Partnership to increase the production ofagricultural land available and supportingprojects looking at season extension fresh, healthy and locally grown food insustainable agriculture practices. technologies and true potato seeds in the the territory. Through this program, threeThe Yukon has been supportive ofNorth, their scientists are planning for commercial growers in Hay River haveagriculture even prior to the new policy,future research work. Wheeler is hoping received money to increase productionwith MacKenzie-Grieve saying they haveto expand the variety of crops they grow and update equipment received support over the years at Yukonin future projects. The government in the YukonGrain Farm. With ongoing work, there is hope to revamped the territorys agricultureI think a big thing is we have a lot ofsolve some of the problems of growing policy in 2020. The policy calls on thesupport from our stores, we have a lot offood in the North and to help make for a territory to increase its food productionsupport from the territorial government,more secure food future. self-sufficiency and produce high-qualitybecause what we do is actually real food local food. Some of the ways the territorysecurity, he explains. Editors note: All interviews were plans to do this is through making newWhile AAFC might have their currentcompleted over the phone. In 2021, recycle every jugOur recycling program makes it easier for Canadian farmers to be responsible stewards of their land for present and future generations. By taking empty containers (jugs, and empty ag-bags) to nearby collection sites, farmers proudly contribute to a sustainable community and environment. When recycling jugs, every one counts.Ask ag-retailers for a collection bag, fill it with rinsed, empty jugs and return to a collection site.Scan toFind a collection
[email protected] more! near you at cleanfarms.ca @cleanfarmsGiven the current COVID-19 situation, please call ahead to collection sites for instructions on delivering empties.SPUDSMART.COM Summer 202111'