b'THE PERFECT HIGH SPEED SEED DRILL FORANY CROP IN YOUR ROTATIONSOLITAIR 9+ DUO 0% Financing. Certain Conditions ApplyThe Solitair 9+ Duo high speed pneumatic seed drill combines precise depth and separation control with the \x1f exibility needed to simultaneously apply any sized seed(s) and up to 250 kg/ha of fertilizer. Divided seed hopper for a \x1f exible 50/50 or 60/40 split Single-shot version for placing seeds or fertiliser in a single seed furrow Double-shot system via doubled distributors for placement in a single row (single shot) or separate and alternate placement in two rowsFlexible seed depth settings for optimally applying two di\x1e erent seeds or simultaneously applyinginter-row fertilisation Automatic tramline controlContact your regional LEMKEN representative today for more information about Solitair seed drills.British Columbia and Alberta Ontario MaritimesMark van Deursen Shawn Robinson450-252-8659250-938-0076 519-860-6618Saskatchewan and Manitoba QuebecWaldemar
[email protected]| @strategictill|lemken.ca'