b'SPUD HISTORY|RUSSET BURBANKORIGINThe original russet clone was discovered in the 1870s by Luther Burbank in Massachusetts. It was developed from a first-generation seedling of an open-pollinated cultivar Early Rose imported from Chile. The Russet Burbank potato variety was a cultivar bred byColorado potato grower Lou Sweet in 1914using Luther Burbanks russet variety.Russet Burbank became a registered potatocultivar in Canada in 1923.1870s 1914 1923Russet cloneLou Sweet breedsRegistered as a discovered in theRusset Burbank potatopotato variety in 1870s by Luthervariety from LutherCanadaBurbank Burbanks russetYIELDS AREMODERATELY HIGHFOR IT RANGINGFROM250 TO 600 CWT PER ACRETO PRODUCELARGE TUBERS , PLANTS MUSTBE SPACED30 TO 45 CMAPARTTHERE IS74.4 GRAMSOF WATER PER100 GRAMS OF RUSSET BURBANK100TO120IS THE NUMBER OFDAYS REQUIRED FOR THIS LATE MATURING POTATO VARIETYITS CONSIDERED THESTANDARD COMPARISON VARIETYFORFRENCH FRYINGSources: Potato Association of America, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, New England Historical Society, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Edmonton Potato Growers, United States Department of Agriculture64SPUDSMART.COMFall 2023'