b"THEWATER IS A FINITE resource and its used for various purposes. Whether providing hydration to people and animals, power for BENEFITS OFelectricity or nourishment for plants, water is what keeps the world going, which is why the conservation of it is important.For major crop and food processing companies in North America, SUSTAINABLEtheyre constantly looking at ways to help the producers they work with sustainably use the water they need for their crops. In 2022, WATER USE Nutrien, J.R. Simplot Company, General Mills and BASF teamed up to take a closer look at how producers in one region they all worked in were using their waterand that region was Manitoba.When you talk to food companies, most of their impact to A study in Manitoba looked at howwater, greenhouse gases, and biodiversity, falls back to what they potato growers are managing watersource from the farmit's all in their kind of upstream (from the on their farms and the advantagesfarm). So, the project is about understanding how do you drive of it to the whole value chain. that investment, that impact on those key environmental topics that works for growersand it's through collaborative water BY: ASHLEY ROBINSON stewardship action in a watershed, Mike Nemeth, senior advisor for agricultural and environmental sustainability with Nutrien, says in a phone interview. The Lake Winnipeg water basin in Manitoba has been historically impacted by runoff from surrounding fields and growers in the region have had problems accessing enough water for their crops. Lake Winnipeg Basin Project Team touring irrigation headworks infrastructure near Carman, Man. PHOTO: ALUS CANADA14SPUDSMART.COMFall 2023"