b'CONTENTS F ALL 2019FEATURES04WORLDS BEST VODKA50 NEW STRATEGIES FOR Three years ago, the Beattie familyMITIGATING OFF-SITE decided to try their hand at making potato vodkathe move has clearly paid off. PESTICIDE MOVEMENTIN WATER 10 ADVANCES IN POTATOCould innovative systems, products HANDLING EQUIPMENT and resources developed in Europe Recent innovations in potato handlingprovide solutions for Canadian equipment is making life much easier forfarmers?growers.56 THE INS AND OUTS OF 18 PREVENTING BRUISE INPOTATO YIELD MONITORING POTATOES Bill Menkveld and Shawn Paget From general tips to variety-specificdiscuss whats involved withand recommendations, Emmerson McMillan,the significance ofmonitoring Peter VanderZaag, Patrick Morris andpotato yields.Mark VanOostrum deliver the goods on mitigating bruise. 68 GROWER SPOTLIGHT Bow Island Potatoes22 THE LONG HAULThree potato experts share some tips on how to achieve storage success.28 STORAGE INNOVATIONSNew products, technologies and ways of thinking about storing your crop.36 WHAT TO DO WHEN FROST HITS Tips for making the best of a difficult situation.40 HARVEST AND STORAGE OF POTATO CROPS EXPOSED TO HIGH MOISTURE LEVELSDEPARTMENTSStorage management strategies for growers. 02FROM OUR DESK46 BETTER SOONER THAN LATER 34INSIDERSResearchers are working on innovative60EYE ON THE NATIONways for potato growers to detect late blight before symptoms appear in their63MARKET NEWScrops. 64INDUSTRY NEWS67WORLD REVIEW SpudSmartON THE COVER Barry Beattie at the family farm in@SpudSmartMagAlliston, Ont. Photo: Liz Beattie, Beattie Distillers spudsmart.comFALL 2019 SPUDSMART.COM 1'