b'Prince Edward IslandAfter a fantastic 2022 full of high yields and excellent qualities spuds, Island potato industry co-ordinator Lorraine MacKinnon expects 2023 to be no different. With regards to insects and disease, we are expecting and certainly hoping for a similar year in 2023, she says. Certainly, for this year everyone is going to be keeping a keen eye on aphid populations which upticked substantially in the late stages of the 2022 growing season.Mackinnon definitely urges farmers to be vigilant regarding aphid watching, which could lead to PVY becoming a huge issue. We are maintaining our three per cent virus cap for potatoes being planted and reminding growers of the best management practices that have been developed for managing both PVY and aphids, she says. With last years detection of late blight spores, MacKinnon says the industry will be closely watching as well. Beyond that, usual pathogens such as botrytis, early blight, brown spot, verticillium, late blight can all be managed with well-known BMPs related to said pathogens. She also encourages farmers to use proper handling techniques of tubers both at harvest and subsequent planting as severe infestation rates can lead to poor emergence rates. The best way to monitor late blight is with spore traps and weather modelling. So, even when it was discovered in a few pockets, everyone was already prepared.Growers maintained diligence with control measures, and we Adult Colorado potato beetles feeding on a potato plant. didnt see any field infections, she says. PHOTO: TRACY SHINNERS-CARNELLEY, PEAK OF THE MARKETBacterial soft rots can also impact emergence but are mainly either secondary to other tuber diseases (such as fusarium); Planter FillerLive Bottom Potato Floors- 30- 36 Wide Telescoping Boom Planter - Light Weight Alum. + UHMW DesignFillers and Mini Pillers - Variable Speed Belt Control- Gensets Available for On Field Use - Simple One Peice UnitW: generalmetal.caPh: 1 (866) 325-9374E: [email protected] Even-Flow BinsSelf-Unloading Bulk Beds- 18-30 Length- 800 Bag Capacity- Painted Steel or Stainless Steel - Adjustible Roof System - Several Unloading Belt Options - Available With Stingers- Various Tarp Options - 72 Elevator Belt and 60 Discharge Belt14SPUDSMART.COM Spring 2023'