b'EYE ON THE NATION QUEBEC ONTARIOSarah-Maude Larose, project officer for LesKevin Brubacher, general managerProducteurs de pommes de terre du Qubec of the Ontario Potato BoardIn 2021, good yields surpassed growers expectations andThe 2021 harvest in Ontario concluded in a timely manner, resulted in an increase of production. Those with an irrigationhowever extremely wet conditions created challenges for some system had better results, since the early growing season startedacross the province. This season Ontario growers were fortunate off dry. Harvest conditions were nearly ideal, and most growersto experience some of the best growing conditions in recent were done by mid-October. Higher than average temperaturesmemory. Production is up considerably as a result of excellent brought some challenges, but very few storage issues have beenyields. Due to wet conditions coupled with higher-than-normal reported to this day. temperatures at harvest we have seen some isolated incidents Our storage holdings are about 25 per cent above our five-yearof breakdown in storage. Growers have done an excellent job running average, and crop usage as of now is ahead of average.of working through trouble areas and minimizing losses. Dec. 1 Strong movement is needed for a good marketing crop. There willstorage holdings show there should be adequate supply to fill our be enough supply to make it to spring, although theres a lot ofmarkets through to new crop. uncertainty with COVID still around. The next few months willThe Ontario Potato Board held a successful 46th Annual have a great influence overall on movement and thus, on planting. General Meeting on Dec. 1, 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Our 2021 seed crop turned out well considering the growingpandemic we held a hybrid meeting this year with participants regions got off dry. Seed supplies should be adequate. attending both in person and virtually. It was a pleasure to see Despite the ups and downs, we are happy to be able to relymany attendees in person once again. The keynote speaker this on a strong Canadian industry that works together to find newyear was Elaine Froese presenting Finding Fairness and Family solutions, tackles tomorrows challenges, shares a commonHarmony in Farm Transition. Thank you to all of our growers, vision and inspires to be better. As we continue to deal with theindustry representatives and those from out of province for your challenges brought upon us, we look forward to seeing everyonecontribution to a great day! in person again. The annual Ontario Potato Conference hosted by Eugenia Banks will be held virtually this year. The conference will be held Wednesday, March 2. This event will be highly informative with a lineup of speakers you dont want to miss. Everyone is welcome to attend this event, please contact the Ontario Potato Board at (519) 846-5553 or email
[email protected] for information on how to register.62SPUDSMART.COM Winter 2022'