b'FROM OUR DESKWinter 2022 - Vol. 19, No. 1Advancing the Canadian Potato IndustryPUBLISHED BY:ISSUES INK When News Reporting 6327435 Canada Ltd.403-313 Pacific Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2Phone: 204-453-1965, Fax: 204-475-5247is Heartbreaking Email:
[email protected] DIDNT REALLY expect that big of an announcement whenShawn
[email protected] federal government stated they were putting in place aEDITORMinisterial Order suspending all exports of Prince EdwardAshley
[email protected] potatoes to the United States due to the recent potato wartEDITORIAL DIRECTORdiscovery. Sonja
[email protected] had turned on my work computer that Monday and saw anMANAGING EDITORemail from the federal government announcing a presser thatMichelle
[email protected] on the recent P.E.I. potato wart discovery. I had beenADVERTISING SALESASHLEY ROBINSON, Spud Smart editor following the issue and knew there had been a lot of rumblingsCraig
[email protected] about it lately, but didnt think much of it besides that. I quicklyDean
[email protected] some other interviews and meetings so I could tuneSam
[email protected] [email protected] the presser.As the presser started and the announcement was made, I foundCREATE CLIENT SERVICESAiden
[email protected] myself shocked. I knew potato wart had been found the previous year and there hadnt been such a big hullabaloo. I understand agMARKETINGTheresa Ramsoomair, Shelby Colbert trade issues and expected this discovery would be handled
[email protected] way as previous ones had been. But boy was I wrong, andCREATIVEI later learned most of the Canadian potato industry had thoughtCharlene McIvor, Lesley Nakonechny, Kyle Dratowany,the same as me. Theresa RamsoomairAs the issue dragged on and I watched several heartbreakingCIRCULATIONnews conferences out of P.E.I., I knew this issue was huge andDean
[email protected] one of the few national Canadian potato magazines I neededCONTRIBUTORSto give it a thorough look. The result of this is Piles of PotatoAlex Martin, Eugenia Banks, Jim Timlick, Kevin Elmy,Wart Problems on pages 6 to 12. I wanted to lay out the facts andand Trevor Bacqueshow how this is affecting the potato industry in P.E.I.EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARDI also knew I needed to take a closer look at the tradeKhalil Al-Mughrabi, Benoit Bizimungu, Robert Coffin,relationships and groups being vocal on this issueon bothNick Hubbard, Jason Kehler, Keith Kuhl, Kevin MacIsaac,Bill Moons, Rick D. Peters, Janet Porchak, Tracy Shinners-Carnelley, sides of the border. Thank you to both the P.E.I. Potato BoardBert Tupling, Peter VanderZaagand the National Potato Council for taking the time to have aSUBSCRIPTIONSfrank discussion and fully explain their thoughts on the issueSpud Smart is published four times a year.with me.To subscribe, please email
[email protected] also want to say thank you to John Visser for taking theCanadian subscription rate is: $45.00/year plus GST. International subscription rate is CDN$110.00/year.time to talk with me about how his own farm and those of his neighbours are being affected by the export ban. Its never easy PRINTED IN CANADAPlease recycle where facilities exist.doing interviews like these as they can be heartbreaking to aNo part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written business and devastating to the community. When I do have topermission of the publisher. work on these stories, I appreciate it immensely when peopleSpud Smart makes no expressed or implied warranties of like John take the time to share their story with me and trust memechantability or fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, to report it. concerning the use of any product and assumes no liability for any This issue is huge, and it wont be solved overnight. My heartinjury or damage, direct or consequential, incurred from the use of such products or services therein. Federal, provincial and municipal goes out to all those in P.E.I. affected right now. I know yourlaws and regulations supersede the information contained within. counterparts across the country are watching warily whatsPublications Mail Agreement No. 40030841.happening and I hope as an industry we can learn from this andReturn undeliverable Canadian addresses to:hopefully not see something similar happen again in the future.Issues InkBut as an ag journalist I know trade issues like this happen all the403-313 Pacific Ave., Winnipeg, MB R3A 0M2time and at the end of the day, its the farmers who grow the foodPRIVACY CODEwe all need that lose out the most when they happen. To view our privacy policy, visit spudsmart.com.2SPUDSMART.COM Winter 2022SPUDSMART@SPUDSMARTMAG'