b'Late Blight found on an infected tomato. The disease can also cause problems for potatoes.PHOTO: RICK PETERSSonier adds the big challenge is with the big box stores, who cater to the home grower. The plants the stores purchase for resale come from a central distribution centre, so staff may be ill-informed on what they are selling when it comes to infected plants or the fallout thereafter.Peters says similar efforts are happening across Canada.Ive been travelling to various grower and industry meetings across Can-ada over the past few years to spread the word about growing late blight-re-sistant tomato varieties, he explains. There have also been news releases in the media and articles in trade journals. As well, colleagues in government and academia in each potato production region (province) have also been spreading the word in their areas.While the 2020 growing season was largely spared from the disease, late blight is a national concern and can be found in all potato production regions of the country in any given year, Peters says.Its prevalence is largely dictated by the weather. Late blight progresses best in cooler, wetter conditions. And the presence of inoculum or strains of the pathogen is necessary for disease development. We have a national study to research the disease and the strains of the pathogen that cause it. This Theperfect addition to yourstudy is a cluster project administered by the Canadian Horticultural Council \x1f with funds from industry and AAFC and includes participants from acrosseet. All aluminum trailer inserts will transform your dry vans intoCanada, Peters says. self-unloading bulk trailers. Built lightweight without troughs for maximum product capacity.Call today to see how we can help you maximize your product payload and reduce your transportation cost.48 SPUDSMART.COM WINTER 2021'