b'This cycle is an ongoing cycle, and we will never be donewith precision farming. JACOB VAN DEN BORNEAfter this data has been processed. We can actually compare it with all the sensor information. And we make growing algorithms, fertilization algo-rithms, variable plant algorithmswe have algorithms in place for all those things to figure out what the best options should be.Once fall hits they start harvesting the crops. They have a harvest yield mapping system on their self-propelled potato harvester. A weighting cell is mounted on the machine and gives the operator real time data as spuds are dugthis allows them to be able to track the quality of the crops from the fields.From the field the potatoes go into storage, which is where tracking them gets tricky, van den Borne says. All the potatoes are stored in a big room, when they are unloaded, they are run over a robot track system which mea-sures the length, size distribution and water weight of the tubers.(In) our storage room, we exactly know from every square meter, which trailer, which field but also which size, distribution, which length and which starch level. And we now building a database that we are able to actually deliver what our customers want, he says.After harvest they start fertilizing the fields again and then plant coverJacobcrops. The cover crops are then killed and mulched into the soil for fertilizationvan den Borne, starting the cycle over again.Dutch potato This cycle is an ongoing cycle, and we will never be done with precisiongrower.farming because every year we layer, we learn new things, we figure out new things, and we try out new algorithms, van den Borne explains. Maximizing Potato Yield Starts at PlantingWe can give you the harvest details with a yield monitorRiteDepth - Automatic Depth ControllerSonar Sensor Technology For More Uniform Planting DepthUniform seeding depth is important to achieve uniform emergence which will in turn help with timing and ecacy of spray & fertilizer applications.Sonar sensors improve uniformity while reducing the need for frequent adjustments.Sonar sensors are small, out of the way, allowing a clear view of the planter and cause no obstruction to stubble and trash from previous crops.As a leader in precision agriculture systems we o er unique solutions speci cally designed with the root and vegetable producer in mind.For more information visit greentronics.com or contact us at 519-669-469826 SPUDSMART.COM SPRING 2021'