b'ADVICE FROM INDUSTRY EXPERTSIn-field Stress = Challenges in Storage Too BILL ORRCanada Technical Representative1, 4 Group14group.comAT LEAST SOMECanadian Prairieto significant total yield drop, Im hearingreversible, naturally occurring dormancy farmers will be looking forward topreliminary numbers like 15 to 20 perenhancers that slow moisture loss. Calm finishingand ideally forgettingthecent, fresh pack will be moving quickly,respiration reduces shrink, reduces 2021 growing season. Lack of soiland processors are already talkingpressure bruise, and allows tubers to moisture, from bad in certain areasshortage concerns.store their energy rather than using it up to extreme in others, has made for anSecond, do everything you can tothrough early sprouting.ultra-challenging year across much of thesupport stressed potatoes through theWhereas CIPC cant be applied until prairies and, in fact, across much of Northstorage season. Choose optimal harvestafter suberization, 1,4SIGHT and 1,4SEED Americas prime potato growing land.conditions where possible. Carefullycan be applied right at door closure, and The problems associated with difficultmanage ventilation and temperaturethen reapplied if peeping breaks through. growing conditions dont end when spudsinside your storage buildings. AndevenThis year, Id recommend the very earliest come out of the fields, however.if youve never tried a dormancy enhancerpossible application to maintain every When youre faced with stressed tubersbeforeconsider adding a 1,4DMN- ounce of stressed tubers salable weight.whether this year or anothertherebased storage support to your storageAnd then? For those who faced a tough are things you can do to optimize theirprogram.year this year, lets all cross our fingers potential.1,4SIGHT (for use in tablestock,that next year is better! First, plan to move stressed tuberschipper and processing potatoes) and quickly. That shouldnt be a challenge1,4SEED (for use in seedstock) are not this year since demand will be high. Duesprout suppressants. Rather, they are fully Managing the Good and the Bad of Soil MicroorganismsCHAD HUTCHINSONGlobal director of potato research and market supportTriCal Grouptricalgroup.comIF YOUVE FARMEDfor severaldepends on supporting that vibrancy. eliminates many key soil-borne pathogens decades, youve seen firsthand the shiftAbove ground, productivity is supportedthat would otherwise harm ones crop, from broad spectrum to targeted pestwhen agricultural practices promoteits role is not to sterilize the soil. Rather, it management. Partially, the change haspollinators, natural biocontrol populations,destroys pathogens while simultaneously occurred because todays availableand beneficial symbiosis. Below ground,fostering beneficial microbe populations technologies are so vastly more preciselife should be even more diverse.allowing you to farm potatoes and not than what our parents and grandparentsAlongside the many types of annelids anddisease. used. Theres an element of politics too:arthropods that contribute to soil structureOver the last handful of years, TriCal the general publicvery justifiablyand health, productive soil is home to, and,Group has supported fascinating soilno longer accepts indiscriminatein fact, depends on, varied populationsbiology research. Specifically, the agricultural pest control products. But theof bacteria and fungi. The most criticalresearchers are using DNA analysis most important reason pest control hasmicrobes are saprophytes: bacteria andtechnology to evaluate changes in harmful changed in recent years is because ourfungi that cycle nutrients, support soiland beneficial microbe populations entire understanding of what makes landstructure, and promote plant growth.over time. According to the researchers, productive has changed. As were comingWhile managing soil-borne disease is asaprophyte populations increased when to understand so much more in the lastcritical component of potato production,Strike was applied to their test plots.few decades, the healthiest and mostthat management should be done in waysIf youd like to read more about how productive agricultural ecosystems arethat manage the bad while promoting theStrike can help you farm potatoes and not vibrantly alive with diverse and beneficialgood. Strike is a selective soil fumigantdisease, check out The Dirt: A Blog https://life. Making money in agricultureand does exactly that. While it effectivelystrikefumigants.com/the-dirt/SPUDSMART.COM Fall 202129'