David Kikkert, Portfolio Manager, Horticulture, Bayer CropScience, sits down with Germination magazine to explain the steps Bayer has taken in order to get new products to market, the regulatory environment and information regarding Titan’s new registration for in-furrow application.
Mid-Man Farms – Potato Harvesting 2013
Open Farm Day at Mid-Man Farms near Carberry
10 am to 2 pm, Sunday, Sept. 15
2013 World Potato Congress Videos
Albert Schirring – Bayer CropScience
Albert Schirring of Bayer CropScience discusses what’s coming down the company pipeline in 2013 with Spud Smart publisher, Shawn Brook.
Andy Selley – DuPont
Andy Selley of DuPont Crop Protection discusses what’s coming down the company pipeline in 2013 with Spud Smart publisher, Shawn Brook.
Juan Manuel Alvarez, PhD – DuPont
Juan Manuel Alvarez of DuPont Crop Protection discusses what’s coming down the company pipeline in 2013 with Spud Smart publisher, Shawn Brook.
Doug Bell – Greenvale AP
Doug Bell of Greenvale AP discusses what’s coming down the company pipeline in 2013 with Spud Smart publisher, Shawn Brook.
Dr. Stephen Holmes – Neogen Europe
Dr. Stephen Holmes of Neogen Europe discusses what’s coming down the company pipeline in 2013 with Spud Smart publisher, Shawn Brook.
Sarah Reiter – AgraQuest
Sarah Reiter of AgraQuest discusses what’s coming down the company pipeline in 2013 with Spud Smart publisher, Shawn Brook.
[componentheading]2012 Manitoba Potato Production Days[/componentheading]
Sampath Shetty – United Phosphorus Inc.
Sampath Shetty of United Phosphorus Inc. speaks from the floor at Manitoba Potato Production Days 2012.
Ron Dreger – Brenntag Canada
Ron Dreger of Brenntag Canada speaks from the floor at Manitoba Potato Production Days 2012.
Dwight Logeot – Advanced Growth Group
Dwight Logeot of Advanced Growth Group speaks from the floor at Manitoba Potato Production Days 2012.
Craig Senchuk – Atom-Jet Industries
Craig Senchuk of Atom-Jet Industries speaks from the floor at Manitoba Potato Production Days 2012.
Bob Hamilton – Engage Agro
Bob Hamilton of Engage Agro speaks from the floor at Manitoba Potato Production Days 2012.
Abdel El Hadrami – Omex Agriculture
Abdel El Hadrami, Ph.D. of Omex Agriculture speaks from the floor at Manitoba Potato Production Days 2012.
Fokko Buurma – Mid-Plains Implements Ltd.
[componentheading]2011 Videos[/componentheading]
Canadian Horticultural Council
Mark Drouin, MSc., Ec., Vice-President, Potatoes, Canadian Horticultural Council
Peak of the Market
Tracy Shinners-Carnelley, PhD, Director, Research and Quality Enhancement, Peak of the Market