When I asked Susan Ainsworth what she hoped attendees would take away from the 52nd annual Manitoba Potato Production Days, without hesitation she said, “I hope they’re proud to be a part of this industry.”
Mission accomplished.
This beaming pride showed in the active engagement between growers during coffee breaks. In the thoughtful questions asked during informative sessions. In the smiles after (multiple) samplings of free French fries and potato donuts — both delicious. Every person I talked to this week shared their pride…and their gratitude, for a program packed with relevant, timely, and engaging information.
From research updates on disease profiles, water stewardship, soil restoration, and regenerative agriculture, to a grower panel on potato sugar monitoring, an inspiring keynote by an Olympic gold medalist, and a fascinating discussion about how a wild pig problem in the prairies is bad news for potato producers. And that’s just scratching the surface.
An expansive trade show gave growers a look at the latest in technology, equipment, and products, while extended coffee breaks and receptions allowed for meaningful conversation and sincere smiles.
That underlying hum through the conference? Pride.
I’m proud too. Proud to be part of such an innovative, resilient, and thoughtful industry. Thank you for having me, MPPD — you truly did your growers proud, and I’m so glad I had a chance to experience it.