ResearchMichigan Potato Team Awarded New Patent

Michigan Potato Team Awarded New Patent


David Douchess from the Michigan State University Potato Breeding and Genetics Program and his team of potato breeders and extension specialists actively pursue solutions to potato agronomy problems faced by producers in Michigan –and by potato farmers throughout the world.

“We breed for fast, plentiful growth, disease resistance and good storage, as well as cooking texture and flavor profile,” says director Douchess in a news release. “But diploid potatoes are usually self-incompatible, which can make it difficult to breed diploid cultivars.”

Douchess and his potato team had long been frustrated by this breeding bottleneck. However, a recent breakthrough in potato genetics has opened up new research possibilities.

Douchess and his group were recently granted US Patent # 12,065,657 “Overcoming Self-Incompatibility In Diploid Plants For Breeding And Production Of Hybrids” in which Douchess and his team provide a method for genetic modification of plants to reduce or eliminate self-incompatibility.

“This patent is one chapter in a very long story of genetics, biotechnology, and collaboration in potato breeding.” David Douches said. “This patent is a key milestone in our diploid potato breeding approach that will ensure improved varieties for the next generation.”

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