Spud Smart

Roundtable Webinar

Keeping Your Spud Equipment Squeaky Clean

thursday, aug. 10 • 12 PM CDT

Join us August 10...

As we near the end of the growing season and start to look towards storage season, having clean potato equipment and storages is more important than ever. Clean and sanitized equipment can be the difference between getting a devastating potato virus which could impact your bottom line for years down the road. In this webinar we’ll have experts share why you need to keep your equipment and storages clean, and how exactly you can do that cleaning. 
Meet Our Speakers:
Nora Olsen
Nora Olsen

Professor of plant science and potato specialist, University of Idaho

Nora Olsen is a professor of plant science and potato specialist with the University of Idaho. Her research and extension program for the past 25 years have focused on potato field and storage management, sprout and disease control, seed physiology and performance, harvest and handling management, and cultivar evaluations. She is a past president of the Potato Association of America and the current vice-president of the World Potato Congress.
Gary Secor
Gary Secor

Professor of plant pathology, North Dakota State University

Secor hails from Bozeman, Mont. and has a bachelor of science and master of science degrees from Montana State University, and a PhD from the University of California at Davis. He began his potato career in Montana as director of the of the first potato virus testing lab in the U.S., and has worked with numerous other potato diseases during his 43 year career at NDSU, concentrating on disease discovery, diagnosis, management and grower education. Secor works closely with the potato breeding program at NDSU and has been interim potato breeder. In addition, he also works with sugar beet diseases, including fungicide resistance management of Cercospora leaf spot. He teaches classes, has graduate students and enjoys lake time and international travel and work.
