INSIDERSCrop ProtectionIt’s ‘Harvest Earned, Not Harvest Given’

It’s ‘Harvest Earned, Not Harvest Given’


Every potato a farmer pulls from his or her field is a potato earned.

Yes, Mother Nature controls many of the factors that can make or break a potato crop, but blood, sweat and tears aren’t a cliché when it comes to the investment farmers must make into every crop season.

The world was a very different place 60 years ago when our company started in this business. Back six decades ago, nearly everyone was directly or relatively closely connected to a farm. Today, consumers seem to think agricultural products appear near miraculously on grocery shelves. It takes intensive knowledge, careful agronomy, a never ending to do list, and boots-in-the-field to produce a potato crop.

Our goal is to help you reach your growing potential. This is your livelihood and you put in a lot of work. We see our role as being partners in farmers’ efforts. We can’t control the weather and we can’t put in the hours in the tractor, but we can carry part of your load by supporting soil health and effectively suppressing soil-borne pathogens.

We do that through the soil fumigant Strike, which is driven by the active ingredient chloropicrin. It works behind the scenes to support your growing plan. Strike selectively manages detrimental bacteria and pathogens including common scab, verticillium and contributors to early die complex while at the same time supporting the populations of nature’s nutrient recyclers — the beneficial soil microorganisms called saprophytes.

A thoughtful farmer applies Strike because he or she sees the value in optimizing a field’s potential. That’s a good thing for everyone: not only does it drive the farm’s economic returns, it makes the most responsible use of every acre of land, allowing the maximum contribution to feeding the world. Strike is the kind of conscious product that honors farmers’ efforts by helping realize the potential of every plant.

Chad Hutchinson
Chad Hutchinson
Global director of potato research and market support for TriCal Group - Chad Hutchinson received his degree in plant physiology/horticulture from Purdue University in 1997. He was on the faculty of the University of Florida and the state potato specialist for 10 years. Hutchinson has worked with potato growers around the world on topics ranging from variety selection, crop nutrition, soil health and soil disease suppression helping potato growers be successful.