NewsBusinessIntroducing Velum® Rise Fungicide/Nematicide, One of this Year’s Spud Smart Top Innovations

Introducing Velum® Rise Fungicide/Nematicide, One of this Year’s Spud Smart Top Innovations


Incredible new technologies and products are being launched across the potato value chain, including this entry from Bayer Crop Science.

We put a call out requesting nominations for the most innovative products leading the Canadian potato industry into the future. Our team received multiple excellent nominations from across the potato industry. With help from our Editorial Board, we selected the winning nominations based on their impact to the industry, their market potential and their scalability.

All of our innovative products have now been posted online! Congrats to all of those selected this year… see you next year!

Velum® Rise Fungicide/Nematicide
Bayer Crop Science

Launched in Canada: November 2023 for the 2024 growing season.

Velum Rise fungicide/nematicide is a new co-formulation of penflufen and fluopyram designed for in-furrow application in potatoes. The innovative co-formulation of group 7 active ingredients delivers systemic and preventative protection against diseases caused by soil borne Rhizoctionia solani as well as suppression of black dot, early blight and nematodes.

The product provides solutions to many of the early season challenges growers face each year, says David Sevcik, Bayer’s Canadian product manager for fruit and vegetables.
“Velum Rise introduces penflufen to the current Velum formulation as an in-furrow option to add control of soil-borne Rhizoctonia solani. Penflufen provides superior control in comparison to many of the current offerings available in the marketplace. Since Velum Rise contains both fluopyram and penflufen, not only will it control soil borne Rhizoctonia solani but will retain the current disease spectrum of Velum Prime which includes suppression of early blight, black dot and plant pathogenic nematodes. Black dot and plant pathogenic nematodes are causal agents of the potato early dying (PED) complex. Velum Rise also delivers added convenience with this unique co-formulation all in one jug.”

With potato growers looking for new solutions to control soil-borne diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani and increasing awareness of yield-robbing diseases like black dot, there is strong market potential across Canada, says Sevcik, noting also that research trials showed that Velum Rise helped increase marketable yield compared to untreated checks.

AL-Bio 7- A&L Biological Inc. – subsidiary of A&L Canada Laboratories Inc.

Vive Crop Protection – AZteroid FC

John Deere – John Deere 8 Series Tractor Electric Power Generation with Spudnik AirSep harvester

Trinity Bio Chem – Nutriclaw

PhycoTerra® Soil Microbial Food – Heliae Development, LLC

PATHWSA Solutions

Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc. – Polysulphate Premium

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