Incredible new technologies and products are being launched across the potato value chain, including this entry from Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc.
We put a call out requesting nominations for the most innovative products leading the Canadian potato industry into the future. Our team received multiple excellent nominations from across the potato industry. With help from our Editorial Board, we selected the winning nominations based on their impact to the industry, their market potential and their scalability.
Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting the individual innovations. They will be released alphabetically.
Polysulphate Premium
Taurus Agricultural Marketing Inc.
Launched in Canada: January 2023
Polysulphate is an innovative fertilizer choice derived from a natural mineral that is unprocessed and registered organic around the world.
This mineral contains sulphated sulfur, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, boron and zinc which release slowly over 55-60 days in an agricultural application.
“Polysulphate provides some of the highest nutrient usage efficiency for those nutrients, tremendous safety if applied at or with seed and has proven to create increases in nitrogen use efficiency, yield and quality of grains and tubers.
Specifically on potatoes it has researched out to reduce incidence of acrylamides by reducing sucrose and glucose in the finished tuber. This also increases storability and improves fry colour,” says Craig Davidson, president of Taurus Agricultural Marketing.
Polysulphate offers:
- Balanced supply of key nutrients.
- Slow-Release: steady supply throughout the growth period.
- Low Chloride Content: a safer choice for chloride-sensitive crops.
- Soil Health: contributes to soil conditioning, improving soil’s physical properties and water retention capacity.
- Environmental Sustainability: mined from natural sources, lower carbon footprint in its production and application than synthetic fertilizer, and its composition reduces nutrient runoff or leaching.
- Economic Benefit: reduces the need for multiple separate fertilizers, delivers nutrients efficiently, offers improved crop yield and quality potential.
Applying Polysulphate at 350 lb/A in addition to the grower standard practice of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium increased the total tuber yield by 16 cwt/A over the grower standard practice alone and resulted in the lightest fry color among all evaluated treatments, according to the company’s trials.
AL-Bio 7- A&L Biological Inc. – subsidiary of A&L Canada Laboratories Inc.
Vive Crop Protection – AZteroid FC
John Deere – John Deere 8 Series Tractor Electric Power Generation with Spudnik AirSep harvester
PhycoTerra® Soil Microbial Food – Heliae Development, LLC