b'P L O T AR E V Y L U T I O NA G A I N S T D I S E A S E.New Veltyma fungicide, with Revysol technology, provides broader, stronger and longer protection.Potato growers can rise up against disease like never before thanks to Veltyma fungicide. It combines the enhancedperformance of Revysol and the proven Plant Health Benefits of pyraclostrobin for optimal protection against early blight, black dot and brown spot. Visit agsolutions.ca/veltyma to learn more.Always read and follow label directions.AgSolutions, REVYSOL and VELTYMA are registered trade-marks of BASF; all used under license by BASF Canada Inc. REVYSOL and/or VELTYMA fungicide should be used in a preventative disease control program.2022 BASF Canada Inc.Client: BASF Publication: Spud SmartFile Name: Veltyma_Potato_Ad_SS_v1 Page Position: P4Cb CMYK BW KEN DESIREE V1Project Name: Veltyma_Potato_Ad Live Area: 7.125 x 9.875 ART DIR STUDIO ARTDocket Number: 2987.2 Trim size: 8 x 10.875 TIM INES 12/30/21Ad #:Bleed: 8.25 x 11.125 PMS PMS COPYWRITER ACCT MGR PROOF #'