By Edzo Kok,
Potato Growers of Alberta
Alberta’s larger seed growing areas experienced a dramatic shift in weather this season versus the last two years. Drought-like conditions were replaced by very timely rains which have helped produce a significantly higher yielding and excellent quality crop. Harvest began on schedule with the interruption of more rainfall followed by a very warm stretch that allowed everyone to finish in time. Alberta will have a very good supply of high-quality seed this year.
The main harvest of the processing crop was delayed due to wet conditions and started a week to 10-days later than normal. The extra time allowed the crop to bulk and made up for some of the lateness that was evident all year due to the late planting and cool, wet spring. Excess rainfall in June led to the abandonment of approximately 4,000 acres in southern Alberta. With only average yields on the storage crop, growers will struggle to fill their contract volumes this season due to the earlier losses. The quality of the crop looks good as it goes into storage. Many growers are treating their potatoes with protectant to avoid any storage issues related to disease or harvest conditions. Proper storages and good storage management will be critical to achieving the highest value for this year’s crop. Alberta growers have invested in all of the latest technology in their storages to provide them with the best tools for bringing out the quality they are known for.
Upcoming conference and trade show:
November 16–18, 2010
Alberta Potato Conference and Trade Show Capri Hotel, Trade and Convention Centre Red Deer, Alta.
For details and registration information, visit